Friday, December 14, 2012

Rest In Peace...

So I was laying in my bed, thinking about some of the most meaningless things, had the TV off...just the normal type attitude I would be in before officially waking up...

Until my mother comes in and tells me about how a man went to an elementary school and shot up a bit of kids.

So I looked a bit more into it, seems 20 kids, between the ages of 5-10 died.  As well as 6 other individuals.

How can a monster, pack a gun and load it with bullets and walk into an elementary school and just lay down fire upon a group of innocent, little, adorable, beautiful souls...

I won't make this post long, cause, not much to say about this event...

All I can do is pray for those who have been affected by this deeply, and pray for those who got killed, especially those innocent children...

I will also pray that the man who did this, the man who forcefully removed twenty souls  from this earth, will burn in the deepest, darkest, most painful level of hell.

I really hope people take the time out of their daily sword lives to acknowledge this event and say a little something in their mind regardless if they believe in a higher being or not.

For any of those people out there who are trolls or wish to try to make this event some...laughable cause...or have zero respect for these children and their family's, then I'll loose all the ounce of respect I ever had for you.

Once again, rest in peace, a pretty...horrific day here in America but also in the world, any human being I know who does not feel sadden about a group of children getting murdered, then I truly question their humane side.