Thursday, December 13, 2012

Just Kidding

Seems after the maintenance, people were still able to get boxes, which was not suppose to happen.

At first I thought maybe G1 was being nice or was having complications to separating the event itself, but in reality, they just forgot to remove it lmao...

You would think, since last week, after Raiden said that this week would be the last week for boxes to drop from mobs, that maybe, just maybe, the removal of the boxes would be on the top list of things to get rid of during the maintenance.

However, there is some positive side, the madness from this AFKing event is over.  Maybe before the end of G1 and Sword 2, people will try to put in some more ToC squads to crank out those Greek Cromas, or participate in Xworld in order to obtain just a little practice before the transfer.

So, where there is a con, there is always a pro, and this pro out weighs the con.

A good amount of players came back to this game, but eventually, just did exactly what they were doing when they weren't playing, which is to just afk and eventually flow off into the light of interactiveness as before; so really, nothing has changed during the event, actually made activeness and the ability to find random raids even harder.  But I would be lying if I were to say the loot and the rewards were well the effort. 

However, through this event, people were able to obtain goodies, so in the end, it has actually helped those to prepare for the 10.23 patch, as well as to bring back some remaining players for the end of G1, which will really help the opportunity for random raids to occur within the server until the beginning of T3Fun!~

All in all, I give the afking event : 8/10 - an A-!

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